by MaXfReZa | Sep 14, 2014 | Cosplay
Meet Nadyasonika in her Ninja Gaiden Cosplay Costume, Photo by bigwhitebazooka. She’s not as world-famous as other cosplayers you know like the back of your hand, but she’s dedicated and chipping away at the mountain top to claim her spot among the best...
by MaXfReZa | Aug 27, 2014 | Cosplay
by MaXfReZa | Apr 17, 2014 | Cosplay
Yaya Han opens up about her childhood, starting out in cosplay and what has kept her cosplaying throughout the years. Born in China, raised in China and Germany (speaking fluent German). Grew up as a self-described introvert, book-worm, loving to draw and paint;...