1st 8mins of Watch Dogs on Xbox 360

1st 8mins of Watch Dogs on Xbox 360

You’ve been waiting for Watch Dogs and I bet you didn’t expect to see it looking so sexy on XBox 360. I think gamers have a love-hate relationship with the idea of leaving last gen consoles behind. Especially When games like Watch Dogs still look awesome...
YouTube to Acquire Twitch for $1 Billion Dollars

YouTube to Acquire Twitch for $1 Billion Dollars

I personally liked the idea of Twitch being independent of other gaming entities. Entities who’d love to corner the market; which only serves to divide the gaming community in the long run. For example, what’s to stop Google from giving Sony, Microsoft,...
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Reveal Trailer

Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Reveal Trailer

One of Kevin Spacey’s most memorable performances. The start of this video punctuates the fact that it’s coming from an XBox One – Done and done. While the 1st thought is “oh geeze, these graphics are about to be sub-par”, the reality is...