by MaXfReZa | Apr 3, 2014 | Gaming
This Episode 3 trailer for The Wolf Among Us starts with a spoiler warning for previous chapters… “After discovering damning evidence at a bloody crime scene, Bigby is just steps behind the prime suspect of a horrific murder, but he’s not the only...
by MaXfReZa | Apr 3, 2014 | Gaming
Mario Kart 8 – New Features Trailer is TOTALLY AWESOME!! Mario Kart returns and wow are we amazed at the sheer number of exciting things that are happening on screen. Just watch the trailer, watch it now!!...
by MaXfReZa | Apr 3, 2014 | Gaming
The animated short film (via Polaris) depicts what happens when Titans go rogue and humans have to defend themselves in Titanfall without a Titan of their own. It is truly a “short” flick, but very entertaining. Check it out...
by MaXfReZa | Apr 3, 2014 | Gaming
The Sulon Cortex gaming platform is a fully immersive gaming experience, by turning any physical space into essentially a holodeck; using a spatial scanner, a processing unit, and a visor mount that plugs into any smartphone to turn its screen into a stereoscopic...
by MaXfReZa | Apr 2, 2014 | Gaming
Amazon touted Fire TV as a streaming device to end all streaming devices. From its simple and effective search to its open ecosystem; with enough apps to bury your entire neighborhood. In this video, the guys at Gizmodo spent some time messing with it and praises...
by MaXfReZa | Apr 2, 2014 | Gaming
President Barack Obama has realized he needs to converse with the youth of America directly if he’s ever going to get them to sign up for HealthCare.Gov so he goes where all the kids are these days, on XBox Live playing Titanfall. PART 1...