by MaXfReZa | Jan 14, 2012 | Tech
If you didn’t already know, QR Codes are here to stay. If that’s “NEW NEWS” to you, you better catch a clue and pay attention. See the image for this post? Look for a square with smaller squares inside, that’s a QR Code. That one in...
by MaXfReZa | Dec 24, 2011 | Tech
[youtube id=”3zHqc1RE4hU” width=”610″ height=”375″] Tis the time to be jolly and since you’re probably looking for a gift idea, I thought I would drop a cool gadget/gift/toy on you. Wait for it… the Flying Clown Fish and...
by MaXfReZa | Dec 8, 2011 | Tech
Have you ever had the awful inconvenience of losing your phone? I know the feeling. In this mobile world we can’t seem to get enough time to “tweet, poke, post, or like” numerous things across the web. This fact makes our cell phone an invaluable...
by MaXfReZa | Dec 6, 2011 | Tech
Many of us have seen a wave of technological wonders starting with Nintendo Wii’s Motion Controls back in 2006. Since that time (4 years later; 2010) Sony Playstation’s Move Stick (similar to Wii’s Motion Controller) and Microsoft XBox...